7 Fascinating Secrets You Should Know About Incontinence And Pregnancy


If you are expecting a child, you should expect to get a wide range of changes in the body. While most are unique and aren’t similar in every case, like the feeling of the baby moving, their heartbeats, or some uncomfortable moments. One of the basic unwanted moments is involuntary urine leakage during the time of pregnancy when you sneeze, cough, exercise, laugh, or lift something.

The hormone causes your pelvic muscles to relax and stretch as soon as you are pregnant. And also, it can release your ligaments that leads to weaker sphincter muscles, and urine is unknowingly released from the bladder. With the growth of your unborn child, you can expect to get more urgent and frequent urination. This feeling is completely embarrassing, although it happens due to the added pressure on your bladder from the baby. The extra pressure on your bladder will also weaken the pelvic floor muscles and increases the chances of urine leakage amongst expecting mothers.

To be specific, involuntary urine leakage during the time of pregnancy is a common activity and is referred to as “pregnancy incontinence”. For most expecting mothers, it's mild or occasional, but for others, it can be serious, particularly in the third trimester. Whether it's normal or impermanent, involuntary urine leakage is extremely annoying and awkward for all of us.

So, let’s look for –

What To Do For Eliminating Problems Related To Involuntary Urine Leakage?

The following steps are effective to manage such odd situations while you are pregnant –

Stay Hydrated

During the time of pregnancy, it's vital to stay hydrated always, which is even recommended for the baby’s health. Drinking lots of filtered water will also reduce the chances of urinary tract infections and bladder troubles. To lessen the frequency of bathroom tours, you are always recommended to drink plenty of water, eat lots of vegetables and fruits to completely empty your bladder.

Monitor Your Weight

Healthy babies need mothers to gain weight while she is expecting. But be careful you aren’t overweight to experience problems while pregnancy. To keep the bladder working right, pregnant mothers should never put extra pressure on it and should always maintain a healthy diet throughout the trimesters. You will naturally gain more weight if you are carrying multiple babies.

Exercise Those Muscles

To avoid involuntary urine leakage during the tenure of pregnancy, expecting mothers are recommended to perform required exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Doing kegel exercises while you are pregnant is effective to ensure smooth delivery.

Cross Your Legs

Just like kids, cross your legs if you are feeling the urgency to pee. In case you are about to sneeze or cough, you should cross your legs to hold the urine in place.

Avoid Certain Foods

That’s important to avoid certain foods causing bladder irritation, which can result in urine leakage during pregnancy. You should avoid intake of caffeinated products, citrus foods, or other unhealthy food that are acidic. In case you are urinating more or often experiencing urinal seepage, make sure to remove unwanted food from the daily diet.

Change Your Exercise Regimen

If you are experiencing more urinary incontinence while pregnancy, make sure to change or upgrade your exercise routine to avoid annoying situations. Try to walk, ride a cycle, or swim, whatever is gentle on your pelvic muscles.

Train Your Bladder

During the first months of pregnancy, it's possible to train the bladder. To increase the length of your restroom breaks, you need to urinate every 30 minutes at the initial stage. It further helps to strengthen your pelvic muscles and eliminate the chances of urinal leakage. But there’s nothing to get surprised about if you are experiencing pregnancy incontinence in the third trimester. That’s quite a natural phenomenon, as your unborn child grows, placing more and more pressure on the mother’s bladder.

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